The Dancer

This picture evolved when I took a failed painting and painted over it with gesso. The substrate is yupo paper. Before the gesso dried, I sponged and wiped and stamped and scratched into the gesso, taking much of it off. I spritzed it with alcohol and then buffed it. Then I turned the paper until I was pleased with the arrangement.

I played with ink (Pitt pens) over the acrylic and gesso, outlining the splashes from the alcohol and from the gesso. Finally I found my image of the tree and the dancer and the painting began to take shape.

I have a friend who asked me how come my paints don't look gloppy and shiny like hers. (She's just starting out and is really hard on herself.) I told her I usually take off more paint with a tissue or paper towel than I leave on. And then I use the paper towel or tissue for collage when it dries.

I hope you like my newest painting, "The Dancer."